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Telos EVM Controller



  • git
  • docker
  • python3


Thanks to Teo from TelosKoreaBP for this quick rundown:

## Need installed python version >= python 3.7
## Requires root at the moment.

git clone
cd telos-evm-docker

apt-get update && apt-get install python3-venv
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

## from now on we are working in the virtual environment.
## just run 'deactivate' when you want to deactivate virtual environment.

pip install pip --upgrade
pip install -U --no-cache-dir -e . -r requirements.txt

tevmc init testnet
cd testnet

## Modify tevmc.json
## For mainnet, signer_account, signer_permission, signer_key
## Containers use ports of host machine so you need to check the ports if used already.
tevmc build --headless
tevmc up

# Start process to backup logs
tail -f tevmc.log > backup.tevmc.log &

## Wait until nodeos synced and hyperion-api activated.
## To stop:
tevmc down


tevmc is a python installable package, and its currently available on github.

  1. git clone
  2. cd telos-evm-docker
  3. git checkout python_toolchain
  4. pip install -U -e .

Once the package installation finishes, you should be able to invoke:

  • tevmc --help


tevmc uses a specific self-contained directory structure for each individual node, to create a new node directory from template use the init sub command.

  • tevmc init {node name}

There are three templates available:

  • local: Local development testnet
  • testnet: Standard testnet node
  • mainnet: Standard mainnet node

If your node name contains any of this names the corresponding template will be selected. Examples:

  • tevmc init local-dev-1 # will use local template
  • tevmc init us-testnet-04 # will use testnet template
  • tevmc init rpc.mainnet-07 # will use mainnet template


Inside the directory created by the init command you'll see a docker directory and the unified config file tevmc.json.

From the newly created node directory run:

tevmc build --headless

The first time you build the images tevmc will populate all the different config files in the docker directory based of the values in the unified config file. After that it will only re-create the files from templates if it detects changes on tevmc.json.


With the docker images built we can launch the node:

tevmc up # launch daemon on the background

tevmc up && tevmc wait-init # launch and stream output until ready

You should eventually see control point reached! in the logs, at that point the full node stack should be up and ready to serve requests.

Where is the data?

The idea is to create self contained node directories, which can be easily moved with the stack down.

Each sub-directory inside main docker path generally contains a combination of this directories:

  • build docker build context
  • config editable configuration files, mounted to were they are needed inside the respective container.
  • data permanent storage kept between runs
  • logs log file location

Full directory structure

├── docker/
│   ├── beats/
│   ├── elasticsearch/
│   ├── eosio/
│   ├── hyperion/
│   ├── kibana/
│   ├── rabbitmq/
│   └── redis/
└── tevmc.json


You can stream logs from any container using the stream sub command:

tevmc stream {source}

Available sources:

  • daemon
  • redis
  • rabbitmq
  • beats
  • elasticsearch
  • kibana
  • eosio
  • hyperion-indexer
  • hyperion-api


To bring the stack down run:

tevmc down

This will perform graceful nodeos stop and bring down all containers.


Can I use this to process and index both Zero & EVM transactions?

Yes, but will need to set correct producer keys on nodeos and un-whitelist eosio.evm on Hyperion config.

As soon as I launch the stack it crashes with an error like this one:

07:00:32:WARNING:Starting daemon.
07:00:32:INFO:opening redis-2122399...
07:00:33:INFO:*** FATAL CONFIG FILE ERROR (Redis 6.2.6) ***
07:00:33:INFO:Reading the configuration file, at line 92
07:00:33:INFO:>>> 'port $redis_port'
07:00:33:INFO:argument couldn't be parsed into an integer
07:00:33:CRITICAL:container status: removing, log dump:
07:00:33:CRITICAL:couldn't access logs.
07:00:33:WARNING:Stopping daemon.

This error usually happens when trying to launch a stack without previously running tevmc build first.

While in the process of launching the nodeos service, it crashes with an error like this one:

14:40:34:INFO:error 2022-02-09T14:40:34.566 nodeos    main.cpp:163                  main                 ] 3110006 plugin_config_exception: Incorrect plugin configuration
14:40:34:INFO:Genesis state is necessary to initialize fresh blockchain
state but genesis state could not be found in the blocks log. Please either
load from snapshot or find a blocks log that starts from genesis.

Usually means nodeos data is corrupted due to an ungraceful stop.

Can I start indexing from a custom snapshot?

Yes set the snapshot config on nodeos section and also start_on on Hyperion section.

Stack is correctly launched but when running transactions I get an error like this one on hyperion-api logs:

2022-02-10T01:15:37: In raw, tx is: f86c80....                                                                                                                                                                                                    
2022-02-10T01:15:37: transaction declares authority
'{"actor":"rpc.evm","permission":"rpc"}', but does not have signatures for it.
2022-02-10T01:15:37: RPCERROR: 2022-02-10T01:15:37.913Z -
{"error":{"code":3,"message":"transaction declares authority...

Setup correct signing account on telos-evm section of Hyperion configuration.

Elastichsearch health endpoint shows high active shard usage / filebeat's index health is yellow

Change "index.number_of_replicas" value from "1" to "0"

Is kubernetes supported?
